Knowing the Winstrol cycle for beginners for muscle growth

Know About Winstrol Cycle For Beginners For Muscle Growth
24 March 2021
How powerful is Stanozolol for burning fat
11 May 2021

If there’s one androgenic-anabolic steroid best suited to beginner bodybuilders, it’s Stanozolol. Otherwise known by the popular brand name Winstrol or simply Winny, this drug offers users both oral and injection administration. Although beginners buy Winstrol mainly because the drug is available in tablet form.

Winstrol tablets are fast becoming a popular anabolic steroid of choice among male and female bodybuilders looking to increase muscle mass and overall performance without having to deal with severe side effects.

This article provides a summary of everything you need to know about Winstrol. From the history of the steroid to its use in bodybuilding, including possible Winstrol side effects and the recommended Winstrol cycle for a beginner. 



I. What is Winstrol?

Winstrol is the brand name of an androgenic-anabolic steroid known as Stanozolol. Stanozolol was created in the USA in 1962 by Winthrop Laboratories, now operating under the trade name Sterling Drug.

Initially, Winstrol was developed to treat a myriad of medical conditions and ailments in people, such as hereditary angioedema, osteoporosis, lipodermatosclerosis, and so on.

However, Winstrol’s benefits in increasing body mass, bone density and muscle mass have been exploited by veterinarians and breeders who have used the drug to stimulate lean muscle mass growth in cattle and other animals.

In the world of competitive sport, athletes used to buy Winstrol to improve their performance. Strength athletes buy either injectable Winstrol or Winstrol pills for sale, and implement a training program that incorporates steroid use for optimal bodybuilding gains.

Winstrol can help bodybuilders gain lean muscle as it promotes increased metabolism of body fat while increasing protein synthesis in muscles for increased bone and muscle mass. 

When you take Winstrol pills, you can also boost your body’s energy levels while building stamina. Winstrol will help you withstand the rigors of high-intensity training while providing incredible recovery powers for cramped, twisted and torn muscle tissue.

Many people, including bodybuilders, often ask the question “Is Winstrol legal?”. Although Winstrol is listed as a Schedule III controlled substance under the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, you can still buy Winstrol online in the US.

There are sites offering pure, authentic Stanozolol.  You can buy Winstrol and have it delivered direct to your door by reputable international couriers.

You can buy Winstrol injectables like :

  • Hilma-Deuce Winimed Suspension 50 (Stanozolol Water),
  • Euro Pharmacies Dry Weight Loss Pack (Stanozolol Depot), or
  • Euro Pharmacies Stanozolol 50mg/ml – 10 ml.

You can also buy Winstrol pills for sale, such as :

  • Euro Pharmacies Stanozolol 10mg/ tab 100tabs Blister pack,
  • A-Tech Labs Stano 10 (Stanozolol 10 mg x), or
  • BioTeq Labs Winstrol 10mg/100 tabs.

These and many other products are available online for anyone looking to buy Winstrol.

Although Winstrol offers high bioavailability and has a mild effect on your vital organs such as the kidneys and liver when used appropriately, you can still expect to experience any of the Winstrol side effects listed below:

  • Nausea,
  • Headaches,
  • Acne,
  • Vomiting,
  • Stomach cramps,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Weakening and baldness of the scalp,
  • Testicular atrophy,
  • Enlargement of the clitoris,
  • Insomnia,
  • Depression, and
  • Anxiety

Winstrol can cause masculinization in women, and feminization if misused or abused. These side effects can occur when you use more than the recommended dose or when you perform simultaneous cycles without practicing post-cycle therapy (PCT) between Winstrol cycles.

Winstrol must also be used with caution and diligence. It’s important to ask your doctor’s advice if you’re taking anticoagulants, insulin injections or other prescription drugs.

Although genuine Winstrol products do not have strong hepatotoxicity and are therefore safe for your liver, if you have an underlying liver health problem, you should consult your doctor before using Winstrol. A liver-protective medication may be recommended for use at the same time as your Winstrol cycle.



II. Use of Winstrol steroids in bodybuilding?

Bodybuilders buy Winstrol because of the huge performance gains they can achieve with a Winny cycle. To begin with, Winny can be used by both male and female bodybuilders. Secondly, Winny can be used for a growth or reduction cycle. Thirdly, you can buy Winstrol online in the USA in pill or injectable form.

Regardless of which actual Stanozolol product you choose to purchase, you can expect to achieve the following muscle-building gains using Winny:

  • Increased bone density: strength athletes buy Winstrol because they know it will improve their skeletal bone structure. You can have thicker, stronger bones that can withstand the rigors of daily workouts when you use Winstrol.


  • Improved muscle mass: Using Winny will increase both amino acid production in your body and protein synthesis in your muscle tissue. This leads to improved muscle mass, which is the cornerstone of any bodybuilding program.


  • Better energy levels: Winny can accelerate your metabolic rate and the distribution of body fat. Excess fat is used as fuel in the body.


  • Endurance enhancement: Buy Winstrol to improve your endurance levels. As a bodybuilder, your stamina is essential, especially if you want to succeed in your intense bodybuilding training programs. Winny helps reduce the rate at which lactic acid builds up in your muscles. Your endurance levels will be improved as a result, and you’ll be able to spend more time lifting heavy weights in the gym.


  • Faster repair of injuries: With Winstrol, you’ll recover very quickly from muscle tears and other forms of muscle-related injury. Winny hardens your muscle tissue by preventing new and recurrent muscle tissue injuries.




III. The Winstrol cycle every beginner should know about

If you buy Winstrol today from a competent, reliable and trustworthy retailer, you should be aware that the Winstrol cycle you choose to follow must be recommended by your doctor or professional bodybuilding trainer.

The cycle you recommend is normally based on several factors. Some of these include: your current body mass, medical history, tolerance level, gender and age.

Your trainer will also decide which cycle will best help you achieve your bodybuilding goals. You can do a stand-alone cycle of Winstrol or a stack with other bodybuilding steroids like Deca-Durabolin and testosterone enanthate.

However, here is a Winstrol cycle with recommended dosages that you should know as a beginner. 


– 5-week cycle for beginners using Winstrol pills:

Week 1: 30 to 60 mg per day,

Week 2: 30 to 60 mg per day,

Week 3: 30 to 60 mg per day,

Week 4: 30 to 60 mg per day,

Week 5: 30 to 60 mg per day.


– 5-week cycle for beginners using Winstrol Injection:

Week 1: 25 to 50 mg per day,

Week 2: 25 to 50 mg per day,

Week 3: 25 to 50 mg per day,

Week 4: 25 to 50 mg per day,

Week 5: 25 to 50 mg per day.


Experienced bodybuilders who buy Winstrol can use a higher dosage of 40 to 48 mg Winstrol tablets per day for 5 weeks, or 100 to 150 mg Winstrol injections administered any other day of the week for 5 weeks.

When taking Winstrol tablets, you should drink plenty of water. Ideally, drink a large glass of water with an oral dose. Winstrol is very well tolerated by the digestive system and can be taken with or without food. 

Never overuse Winny, always follow the recommended cycles and dosages. Winstrol should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture, heat and sunlight. Winny does not have strong hepatotoxicity, nevertheless, if you have an underlying health problem related to the liver, consult your doctor before buying Winstrol.



IV. Conclusion

As a beginner, you should always make safety your first and most important watchword. Do not buy or use Winstrol without consulting a professional trainer or your doctor.

Winstrol may be a highly tolerable androgen-anabolic steroid with mild side effects, but if you overuse this drug, you could end up suffering potentially fatal side effects.

Ultimately, the source of your Winstrol is important, so make sure you buy Winstrol from a reliable, trustworthy and very reliable source. Consult customer reviews to help you choose the right online site to buy your Stanozolol.

Care should be taken to select reliable sites that offer 100% genuine and pure Winstrol to customers all over the world, including the United States of America.


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