The different Winstrol brands

Maintaining gains after a Winstrol cycle
5 February 2015
Cycles with Winstrol
14 February 2015

Brands and manufacturers of Winstrol Stanozolol

In the form of tablets and injectable: these are the two ways to consume Winstrol. The difference lies mainly in the method of administration. It should be noted that if you prefer to take it orally, protections for your liver should be taken seriously due to the hepatotoxicity of this product. This toxicity is so great that there is a real risk of side effects in the case of very intensive or prolonged use.

Again, if you respect the doses and cycle times and take Legalon 70 or Samarin 140 to get your liver protected, you have absolutely nothing to fear.

This is the reason why the injectable form is the most popular one. Of course, it is less pleasant to administer, but it is not toxic and delivers better results. The usual dose of Winstrol is 30 to 60mg a day in tablets or 100 to 300mg a week in injections (it depends, of course, on your weight). The injections are applied 2 to 3 times a week at least.

A special feature of the injectable form is that, as with many injectable steroids, Winstrol is diluted in water and not in an oily solution. This makes the injections a little more painful and you have to apply them more regularly and separately. Therefore, Winstrol will never get mixed with other steroids in your syringe.

While only one injection a week is sufficient for many products, Winstrol should be administered day by day according to what is considered a good use.

What is the best brand of Winstrol?

Most of us want to buy a Winstrol that is effective and not too expensive. Nevertheless, given the multitude of brands available in the market, it is not always easy to find the best value for money.

However, to achieve our goals it is essential to use good products.

So, today I’m sharing my experience with many brands of Winstrol so that I can enlighten you and guide you in the choices you’ll make.

As usual, some brands are better than others and you will see there can be great differences in the result you get with one brand and the one you get with another brand.

When I analyse a brand, I am obviously focusing on its products quality, but also on the way in which the company manages to get adapted to the changing market. Nowadays, users like me become increasingly rigorous when making a choice, because the objectives are more specific.

I’m sharing with you a feedback about the best current Winstrol manufacturers in the market. My analysis is based on my direct experience and the following criteria:


  • Quality assurance (laboratory test, client’s blood test, users’ feedback in independent forums)
  • How the laboratory works (hygiene measures, equipment, personnel skills, whether it has official certification or not…)


  • Effects and results of the product on the user in the short, medium and long term

In this article, I will not advertise brands that are not recognised by anabolic experts. That’s for sure. To obtain accurate results, one must resort to original products.

With more than 15 years of experience under my belt and having tried hundreds of brands and thousands of products, I’m displaying in the table below the present top seven brands. Obviously, this ranking is not definitive since the anabolic market is highly dynamic.

If you cannot find an interesting brand to you, mention it in the comment. I will be happy to answer you. 😊

The best Winstrol brands in 2024


Tricks against counterfeits

Winstrol is considered an expensive substance. There are tested and verified laboratories that will provide you with quality products and other laboratories that, on the other hand, are not very reliable. It is easy to check if it is a counterfeit product or not. Diluted in water, if you leave your bottle at rest, a whitish layer will show up at the bottom of your pill. If this does not happen, it means that it is a counterfeit product. Therefore, do not inject it. To avoid this type of mishap, you can check the table above, which lists tested and approved laboratories.

For the purchase of authentic Winstrol at the right price, I recommend my page of the best-selling ranking on the internet.

Winstrol Coach

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