Cycles with Winstrol

The different Winstrol brands
5 February 2015
Before and After: Winstrol Treatment Review from Clara – Madison – Wisconsin
28 February 2015

Cure and cycle with Winstrol

Winstrol is a very effective anabolic steroid for the gain of dry mass, for cutting and weight loss.

By itself, won’t be very useful, but when combined with others it becomes an extremely attractive anabolic.



Post-cycle recovery (PCT) will help you to restore your metabolism at the end of the Winstrol cycle. Considered a weak androgenic steroid, Winstrol does not aromatise nor  cause any significant side effect. Just like Primobolan, Winstrol is one of the least damaging steroids for your body.

Be careful with the tablets, it is better to combine them with  Liv52 or Samarin 140 to ensure the protection of the liver.

If you try to use Winstrol only, be aware that you will not need any protection, as with other steroids.

Duration of a Winstrol cycle

Many consumers go wrong when establishing the duration of a steroid cycle :

  • Either they want to be too careful and they go through very short cycles (4 or 5 weeks), which can lead to some results, but far from those that can be reached normally, because in less than 6 weeks, the steroid does not have time enough to fully spread its anabolic effects.
  • Or it is too long, what besides not taking effect, is dangerousUseless, because even if it is true that steroids take a long time to get fully benefited from their anabolic effects, the positive nitrogen balance will begin to decrease only after the 8th week, making long-term use unnecessary.
    It’s dangerous, because the more you interrupt your production of natural hormones, the longer it will take you to get it restarted. It can, worst case, leave irreversible sequels. In addition, if you take steroids orally, organs such as liver will be at risk.

The recommended duration of a steroid cycle is at least 6 weeks and, at most, 12 weeks.

The usual dose of Winstrol is 30 to 60mg a day in tablets or 100 to 300mg a week during an injectable Winstrol cure. The injections are applied 2 to 3 times a week at least.

If you take oral Winstrol, reduce your dose by half and take only one half in the morning and the other half at night, at the same time as your protections, Liv52 or Samarin 140, for the liver + Arimidex at the same time, in the probable case that you take Winstrol in combination with steroids that can get aromatised, or cause water retention

The latter will warn you of any annoying side effects due to aromatisation, such as ex. gynecomastia. Likewise, for water retention, there is no need in the context of a dry mass gain.

Even if Winstrol is not too dangerous, we should not neglect protections during a cycle. Precautions are never quite sufficient and, anyway, are part of a successful cycle as well as your training or your diet.

It is strongly recommended to evaluate the dose in proportion to your weight to get an optimal result. Therefore, the dose of Winstrol required for its weight per KG should be approximately between 0.5 and 1mg per day for the oral version and 2 or 3mg per KG per week for the injectable version.

A Winstrol cycle: for cutting, to lose weight or for a gain of dry muscle mass?

Winstrol is usually combined with other steroids :

  • Winstrol cycle with Clenbuterol for a cutting cycle.
  • Cycle of Winstrol with Sustanon for a gain of dry mass and strength.
  • Cycle of Winstrol with Deca-Durabolin (+ Sustanon) for a dry mass gain (it is advisable to use a testosterone base for this cycle, the Deca that belongs to the family of the 19-nor and is, therefore, strongly suppressant).
  • Cycle of Winstrol with Primobolan for a cutting with dry mass gain, or a dry mass gain (according to your diet).
  • Cycle of Winstrol with Anavar to gain strength during a cutting cycle or to gain dry mass…) as well as to gain strength/endurance, valued by cyclists and elite athletes.

Let’s see now 3 examples of cycles in the 3 possible uses of Winstrol :

Increase in dry mass with Winstrol

There are different possible combinations to achieve this goal. The products that you will combine with Winstrol in this case, will often be strongly androgenic and will tend to aromatisation as with Parabolan, Boldenone, Testosterone, Nandrolone, Sustanon, Dianabol,  etc. Your protections will be, therefore, important.

The Samarin 140 in the morning and in the evening with each meal to effectively protect your liver against all hepatotoxic attack. Arimidex, with the morning or afternoon meal, will protect you from any side effect of estrogen due to the aromatisation and will attack water retention. Its recovery will be based on Clomid at a rate of 50mg/day, as well as Nolvadex at a rate of 20 mg/day for 20 days. Start immediately after stopping the cycle.

Some injections of HCG can be useful in case of testicular atrophy.

Examples of cycles for bodybuilders with a weight between 75 and 85 kilos :


1100 mg, every other day200mg week40mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
2100 mg, every other day200mg week50mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
3100 mg, every other day200mg week60mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
4100 mg, every other day200mg week70mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
5100 mg, every other day200mg week80mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
6100 mg, every other day200mg week80mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
7100 mg, every other day200mg week70mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
8100 mg, every other day200mg week60mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
9100 mg, every other day200mg week50mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days
10100 mg, every other day200mg week40mg/day2 pills. / day1 pill every two days

These are the protections to take for recovery :

111 tab ED1 tab ED
121 tab ED1 tab ED
131 tab ED1 tab ED

The drills that we recommend :

Deadlifts 15min 5*8/12
Hamstrings 15min 5*12
Inclined Roman chair crunches 15min 5*12
Crunch 15min 4*30
Ab machine 15min 4*30

Cutting with Winstrol

The next cycle is quite heavy for your liver, you will not be at risk if you take the right protections along with taking an hepatoprotection. Samarin 140 or Liv52 are very good choices. Arimidex in the morning or at night, with meals, will protect it from all side effects of oestrogen due to aromatisation and will attack water retention.

Its recovery will be based on Clomid at a rate of 50mg/day, as well as Nolvadex at a rate of 20 mg/day for 20 days. Start immediately after stopping the cycle.

Some injections of HCG can be useful in case of testicular atrophy.

Examples of cycles of Winstrol for bodybuilders with a weight between 75 and 85 kilos :


160mg/day30mg/day140mcg/day2 pills/day
260mg/day30mg/day140mcg/day2 pills/day
360mg/day30mg/day140mcg/day2 pills/day
460mg/day30mg/day140mcg/day2 pills/day
560mg/day140mcg/day2 pills/day
660mg/day140mcg/day2 pills/day

Weight loss with Winstrol

Between the cutting and the weight loss, there is no noticeable difference in the levels of the steroid cycle per se.

What will make the difference is food and training, as well as food supplements you will add to that.

Get your liver protected, take your protections as mentioned for the cutting. These do not differ.

If you have to go to great lengths to stick to your diet, you can add Reductil to your cycle. It is useful to cut off hunger. It is one of the most effective methods. The recommended daily dose is 10-30mg.


Examples of cycles of Winstrol for bodybuilders with a weight between 75 and 85 kilos :

1100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
2100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
3100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
4100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
5100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/jday
6100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
7100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
8100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
9100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/day
10100mg, every other day200mg/week140mcg/jours

These are the protections to take for recovery :

111 tab ED1 tab ED
121 tab ED1 tab ED
131 tab ED1 tab ED


Now you have a good overview of what it takes to achieve a successful cycle with Winstrol. Now if you want it to be a success for sure, I also advise you to follow a proper training and a diet based on the desired effect of the cure:

  • For a good gain of dry mass, see recommended feeding and training.
  • For an effective cutting, see the recommended diet and training.
  • For a successful weight loss, see the recommended diet and training.
Winstrol Coach

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