Weightlifting Exercises for Cutting during a Winstrol Cycle

Top 5 Weight Loss Workouts during a Winstrol Cycle
22 April 2015
Winstrol Stack for Dry Mass Gains, Weight Loss, and Cutting
5 June 2015

Weightlifting Exercises for Cutting with Winstrol

The goal of cutting is to lose extra fat without burning off muscle. You must alternate between weightlifting and cardio to gradually deplete fat stores alone. Therefore it is important to plan your workouts well to avoid catabolization and follow an appropriate diet for cutting.

  • Too much cardio will cause you to lose muscle mass, while excessive weightlifting sessions combined with a strict diet are not good for you, as your body will not have enough resources to recover. 

Exercices de musculation

You must balance weightlifting and cardio in order to lose fat while maintaining a good density that highlights your muscle definition. The best method is to do 45 min – 1 hour of cardio at 60-80% of your maximum heart rate, to use up as much stored fat as possible. Cardio is the best way to burn fat and an hour of intensive cardio burns between 400 and 500 Kcal.  

No one type cardio training is better than another, depending on the intensity you are willing to expend. So you can break up your routine by varying your activity (treadmills, cycling, swimming, etc.). For weight training, only do a few heavy sets and prioritize supersets of isolation exercises for optimal muscle burn.

The information you will find here serves as a base from which you can determine your own training program. Don’t forget that weight training will have a significant impact on your treatment results.

Your Schedule

Day 1: Pectorals/Biceps/Triceps
Day 2: Cardio/Abs
Day 3: Deltoids/Back/Trapezius
Day 4: Cardio/Abs
Day 5: Quadriceps/Hamstrings/Calves
Day 6: Cardio/Abs
Day 7: Rest

Weightlifting Exercises Over 7 Days


PectoralsBench Press (Pyramid)warmup + 315-10-15
PectoralsDips or Flys410-12
PectoralsButterfly/Pulley (Superset)412
BicepsBar curls (Pyramid)warmup + 310-8-10
BicepsCable or Dumbbell row (gradually decreasing)3 per arm10 to 12
TricepsBar extensions (Pyramid)warmup + 315-8-15



+CARDIO: 45min.

AbsLeg lifts415-20
AbsCrunches with rotation415-20
AbsLeg lifts with rotation415-20



DeltoidsShoulder press (Pyramid)warmup + 315-8-10
DeltoidsFront dumbbell raises38 to 10
DeltoidsLateral/posterior/anterior pulley raises (Superset)310 to 12
BackBent-over rows (Pyramid)warmup + 310-8-12
BackDumbell rows48 to 10
BackTirage Horizontal / Vertical (Superset)48 to 10



+CARDIO: 45min.

AbsLeg lifts415-20
AbsCrunches with rotation415-20
AbsLeg lifts with rotation415-20



QuadricepsSquat (Pyramidal)warming + 415-8-4-8
QuadricepsPress48 to 10
QuadricepsLeg Extensions (Degressive series)36-10-12
IschiosLeg Curl (Degressive series)36-8-12
IschiosLunges by walking with dumbbells210

+CARDIO: 45min.



AbsLeg lifts415-20
AbsCrunches with rotation415-20




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  1. Jake Stone says:

    Hello, i had a question on winstrol, I’m starting my winny cycle and I wanted to ask once i’m off cycle, will i be able to keep the abs or will they be covered in fat again, even if I workout ?

    • winstrol-stanozolol.com says:


      Muscles acquired from steroids are no different from muscles acquired through natural training. That being said, if you don’t know how to put on muscle in the first place, you’ll likely lose whatever you gain with a cycle.

      To keep the gains therefore, it is enough that you train like fake and that you follow a good diet. No need to do several cures.

      So if you do workouts as you say, you will keep the gains without problems.

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