The ideal cycle of Anavar + Winstrol: 6 professional advices

The ideal combination of Anavar – Winstrol for optimal results

1st advice: the combination Anavar – Winstrol for a cutting

For a dry mass gain, Winstrol can be combined with Anavar. Winstrol is very attractive because of the speed at which its effects take place. However, it is strongly recommended not to take it long term.

Therefore, it is recommended to combine it with another steroid such as Anavar to get better results without suffering too many negative effects.

A first cycle of 20mg to 30mg a day of oral Anavar combined with 30mg or 60mg a day of Winstrol, adding 120mcg to 160mcg of Clenbuterol for 6 weeks, turns out to be a very good method for a cutting during workout.

2nd advice: cycle for a bodybuilder under 80kg

Another example of a cycle for a bodybuilder that does not exceed 80kg for an almost total cutting for a competition and for a period of 10 weeks.
60mg a day of Winstrol for 10 weeks. 30mg a day of Anavar for the first 4 weeks. However, we should add to all this 140mcg a day of Clenbuterol for 10 weeks as well. Anavar serves here as a regulator for the first 4 weeks to give Winstrol the maximum power to take effect in the last weeks.

This cycle is quite heavy for the liver. To avoid risks, it is necessary to have an adequate protection through an hepatoprotection. Samarin 140 or Legalon 140 are among the best choices. You should also take Novaldex in the morning and evening, during meals, to get yourself protected from the side effects of aromatisation, and oestrogen to prevent water retention.

3rd advice: the combination of Anavar with Winstrol for weight loss

Many people who practice bodybuilding need Winstrol for weight loss.

Basically, there is no difference in steroids when it comes to weight loss versus cutting. It is the diet and the training that will make the difference.

Do not forget to add high-protein food supplements to get the best level. You must get your liver protected by taking an hepatoprotection. If the diet seems too hard, you can take Reductil at a rate of 10mg to 30mg a day to cut off hunger.

On a 10-week basis, you can take Winstrol 100mg every two days by adding 20 to 30mg of Anavar daily during the first 4 weeks. You should also take 140mcg a day of Clenbuterol and 200mg a week of Primobolan Dépôt.

4th advice: a cycle studied for women

For women, a cycle is particularly studied to avoid some virilisation problems. This 8-week cycle is recommended as long as pure substances are taken to avoid some side effects and gain lean mass. It is a combination of Winstrol, Anavar and Primobolan. On a 56-day basis, you should take 10mg of Anavar for 42 days. 10mg of Winstrol from day 15 to day 56. 50mg of Primobolan a week must be added during the whole cycle. This is one of the best recognised cycles for women who want to lose weight and have a full dry.

5th advice: for advanced bodybuilders

This cycle is for people who practice bodybuilding and are at a very advanced stage. It is studied for the minimisation of side effects and also to increase the hardness of the muscles. The results vary according to the diet.

On a six-week basis, you must take 40mg of Anavar a day and 50mg of Winstrol a day. To this should be added 50mg of S-4 Andarine a day and 2 capsules of N2Guard 15 minutes after workout. It is a cycle that is recommended for people who will participate in a competition.

6th advice: a standard cycle with the Anavar-Winstrol combination

You should always follow a standard cycle to achieve the real effects. When it comes to Winstrol, it is always advisable to follow the cycle of this steroid on a 6 to 8-week basis. A standard dose of 20 to 50mg a day is recommended. For athletes, it can reach up to 100mg a day. Women should not exceed 10mg a day. Anavar is not recommended for it to take effect in athletes. A dose of 50mg a day over 4 to 8 weeks for men, and 10 to 25mg a day for 4 to 6 weeks for women.

It should be known that taking steroids like Winstrol does not have the same effects on all people.

The combination of Anavar with Winstrol has its raison d’être in trying to by all means avoid side effects.


Beyond advices, it is true that the combination Anavar-Winstrol has been studied in the framework of weight loss programs or the cutting for a competition. Results vary according to the individual and the diet, so it is advisable to start with a standard cycle and then see what to do. The effort becomes noticeable in people who have stuck to the necessary food restrictions.

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Rating: 4


  1. Bryan says:

    Is it safe to take both anavar and winstrol at the same time?, I mean at one meal I am taking both at the same time.

    • says:


      You can take these products at the same time, provided that you do not exceed the 8 week cycle.

      You should also take liver protection and not exceed 60mg per day for each product.

  2. Ali butt says:

    Please tell me the best pharma brands for best results, thank you

  3. Jay says:

    If it’s my first time ever taking a steroid, planning on a 4-6 week cycle. I’m male, 5’10” weighing 196lbs, slightly chubby, fairly active playing soccer and hockey once a week. I’m now eating clean, intermittent fasting and hitting the gym 3-6 times a week. What would be a safe but effective dosage of Anavar-Winstrol over that 4-6 week time period. I plan on taking only those two and nothing else with it.

    Secondly, do I need to be concerned about taking anything when I complete the cycle to rebalance my system?

    Thank you. Appreciate the help!

    Rating: 4
    • WINSTROL says:

      For a start it is always advisable to take the cycle of this steroid on a 6 to 8 week basis. A standard dose of 20 mg to 50 mg daily is recommended.

      If you have any doubts, contact the coach directly especially with the diet that you adopt :)…

  4. Ted Schaffer says:

    New wave in p.e.d. micro dosing stacked substances to get the most for a longer period of time
    For instance week one:: anavar am.
    Dianabol pm. Every other day.
    Trenbolone ace. 25 mg.every other day. Test blend 500. 50 mg.every 4 days. After 4 weeks discontinue orals. Add deca 75 mg. The idea is that we are over dosing are steroids and in turn we are getting shut down. These guys are finding ways to take dianabol with no water gain no shut down. With a constantly rotating combinaction of synergist compounds.

  5. lyn vasquez says:

    4-6weeks loss weight for woman, what is the right dosage of anavar and winstrol?

  6. Josie says:

    What is the best brands of this cycle?

  7. Monica says:

    For the womens cycle …is the 50 mg of prim weekly devided by 7 or bi-weekly or what?

    • Winstrol-Steroids says:


      If you are a woman, I suggest you get in touch with our specialists via this link:

      There are products that are more suitable for women.


  8. Alpha male says:

    Don’t you need a testosterone as base for these cycle , since both of them are DHT drugs. Won’t it shut natural production?

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