Before and after and comments on the Winstrol steroid cycle: Ricardo Lyon – Toulouse

Anabolic steroids in different sports disciplines
8 January 2018
Before and after and comments on the Winstrol steroid cycle: Yann and Olivia – Paris
1 December 2018

This handful of before-and after-bodybuilding pictures are not meant to be intelligent (they do not have to), but simply to record what can be achieved by performing fitness 3 times a week plus the boost of Winstrol.

You can get much better results and much faster than the ones I got. That is, results can be obtained much faster than what I managed to achieve during the 60 days, as reflected in the pictures below.

When I started with Arnaud‘s coaching, my knowledge about bodybuilding was quite vague and my drills were of a much lower quality and quantity compared to what I learned to this day. The only source of information available to me were the gym’s friends and YouTube videos in which I used to see guys with a dream shape and amazing transformations ac, according to them, eating chicken breast and nothing else. Naturally, reality has nothing to do with that.

They get money from the sponsors to promote the use of tons of food supplements through programs – including the consumption of anabolic products – and the physical exhibition privileged even for an athlete. Needless to say, it was not quality information at all!

However, thank God there is internet, where you can find many blogs and forums, among which are Arnaud Sylvain’s one. I took advantage of alternative and real information.

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